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Question about using online images

« Teaching with Scratch
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Dawn DuPriest
I teach a sixth grade CS class in which we work on Scratch projects.

I want my students to learn how to use online images in a responsible way. I've had a hard time finding firm rules on how to do this, and I was wondering if this is the current thinking on how to do it properly!

1) Search for images using Creative Commons (
2) When you find an image, save it to your computer
3) Copy a link to the image from the URL
4) Upload the image into Scratch
5) Give a citation to the image using the URL in the "Notes and Credits" section

Am I missing anything?  This seemed like the best guidance I could give the students.
I made an instructional video about it, but I'm very open to suggestions on what else should be included here.

Dawn D.
Preston Middle School