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Game Design in the Science Classroom

Independent study unit for gifted students in regular science classes

Introduction (by Lauren Angelone)

This unit is designed as an educational option for gifted students in a regular education Science classroom. Video games are of high interest among adolescents and when used appropriately, can be an exciting part of the learning process, particularly in Science. This unit utilizes Scratch, a user-friendly programming language available for free via MIT, which allows students to intuitively develop games. The teacher and student work together to decide the content focus, then the student monitors their own progress by blogging as he/she develops a video game based in some way on that content. Students are then able to share their game in an authentic environment, which allows for revision and evaluation.



Content Overview

The unit plan is organized into four sections:

1. Teacher resources section: includes standard-based learning goals, suggestions for assessing necessary background knowledge, and technical setup requirements. 

2. Student resources section: includes guidelines (for students) on planning, designing, and sharing the video game. Students are encouraged to blog their progress.

3. Assessments section: features formative and summative assessment rubrics

  • comment assessment rubric

  • storyboard assessment rubric

  • blog assessment rubric

  • final game assessment rubric

4. Supporting articles and research section


Overall, Angelone's unit plan offers a great starting point for teachers who might be interested in using Scratch to engage and inspire advanced students in their class.