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Italian translation of Name and Race Scratch cards

Italian translation of the Scratch Cards for the “Animate a Name” and “Race to the Finish” activities. Italian translation by Maria Paola Alberti d'Enno, Laura Vianello e Augusto Chioccariello
The translated Scratch Cards will be used during the EU Code Week at the primary schools of the IC Maddalena-Bertani in Genoa. The translation will be revised after classroom use.
Augusto Chioccariello
Thanks, that will be great.

Looking forward to the next set of Scratch cards in Italian.

Stefano Collovati
Here we published them:

Hope they are useful!
Stefano Collovati
Super useful!

Giuseppe Menegoz and I are translating the remaining cards. We hope to release the next one (Catch Game) very soon. 

Furthermore I'll make some little improvements to your cards, such as changing the font (identical to the original one) and check if the translation is aligned with the other cards :)

Thank you!