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Learn, Play and Have Fun!

Easy projects for kids and little children.

I taught programming to young adults for years, now I'm a mom who teaches computer programming to her kids.

With my Scratch projects I would like to mix my experiences as teacher and mother to create an easy, creative and funny way to teach computer programming and to try to involve both kids (who want to learn computer programming) and little children (who like to learn new things from a computer screen).

I started from two important basis: drawing is the most and useful tool in both kids and little childern daily life, and little children can't read.

Teaching programming I learnt that drawing gives to the kids an immediately feedback about what they are doing in their projects, and also kids can make changes to the script just watching the drawing on the screen.

On the other hand, as a mother, I learnt that little children like watching what happen on the screen: they can't read, they just watch what happen on the screen or listen to a voice. That's why drawings and voices are the main tools that I can use in the projects.

Learn, Play and Have Fun!

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Michelle Choi
I like how you've used your experiences to inform your project design. Thanks for creating and sharing these projects!

Lianka Prada
Hi, thank you for writing. I'm happy my experience is useful! :)