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Loudness Sensor - CCCGuide remix

Did you know that you can make your Scratch projects interactive through a microphone? Explore this advanced Scratch concept by creating a project that incorporates the loudness sensing feature.

Did you know that you can make your Scratch projects interactive through a microphone? Explore this advanced Scratch concept by creating a project that incorporates the loudness sensing feature. 

Create art that interects with sound! Use the Advanced Concepts, Loudness Sensing examples to show and help students get familiar with blocks that control loudness sensing. 

The Scratch CCCGuide was released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, meaning that anyone is free to use, change, and share the work, as long as they provide appropriate attribution and give others access to any derivative works.

Educators: let's add our own CCCGuide remixes to ScratchEd and accept the invitation to be co-designers of the Creative Computing experience!

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