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Scratch for APCS

Documents with sample code for lots of Scratch implementations of APCS topics. I just finished using these with my APCS class (they have no prior programming experience).

Documents with sample code for lots of Scratch implementations of APCS topics. I just finished using these with my APCS class (they have no prior programming experience) and we were able to get into much more sophisticated topics that I was expecting.

The documents show snippets of code for topics like variables, randoms, conditionals, loops, using the mod operator, etc.

Other Files: 
Laura Webber

Hi Karen,


Sorry for the delay. I'll try to rename the documents and repost so that the contents are more useful. Basically, our sequence was something like this:

-Have sprites move.

-Have sprites say something.

-Compute arithmetic problems.

-Accept user input.

-Compute algebraic problems based on user input.

-Use conditionals with user input.

-Provide random output in response to user input

-for loops, while loops


-Use mod operator to generate all even/all odd items from a list


BTW, I teach 9th grade girls and their favorite project was the Crush Initials Generator (random letter generator that outputs the initials of someone who has a crush on you). So cute.

Karen Brennan

Ah, that's helpful -- thanks!

Karen Brennan

Hi Laura,

Thank you so much for sharing your documents! Is there a recommended sequence that you could provide?
