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Scratch Educator Show & Tell Videos - March ScratchEd Meetup

Video of educators sharing experiences and student projects at the March ScratchEd Meetup

At the March 2011 Scratch Educator Meetup, we held a session called Show & Tell, where participants shared how they are using Scratch in their teaching practices. An interesting aspect to Show & Tell this time, was that the Q&A portion turned into a discussion about strategies for scaffolding and support.

The Show & Tell session is becoming a staple at the ScratchEd Meetup events. You can watch the Show & Tell videos from the February ScratchEd Meetup here.

ScratchEd Meetups are held every 3rd Saturday of the month. Find out more information or RSVP for the next meetup on the Scratch Events website.

Rosemary Slattery shared two activities from her first six weeks teaching Scratch. One project, Guess Da Beat, is based on the Orange Square, Purple Circle activity. The second, is a maze project with a St. Patrick's Day theme


Sandra Bleecker shared how her sons' co-created a Picoboard-based joystick to control a tank Scratch project.


Janet Dee talked about encouraging project sharing in her classroom using the example of how Jimmy's Circus project went viral in her classroom.


Abby Miller presented handouts that she developed to help her students get started with Scratch. This led to a discussion on strategies for structuring introductory Scratch activities.

Stephen Quinn

This is great!! very helpful!!

Debra Moorer

GREAT JOB!!! Thank you so much for a wonderful session.