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Self Paced Student Exercises II

Here is a two (2) car race to the finish line, with step-by-step instructions and illustrations.

In this self-paced exercise, students learn about two stages of programming "the visual stage" (painting the stage, selecting and painting sprites) and "the programming stage": Sequence, Selection, and Repetition.   Students are lead through a series of step-by-step instructions.  This exercise does assume students have some understanding of sequence and repetition and some understanding of scratch.  See part I of this series. 


Gustave Stresen-Reuter

I'll continue to contribute as much as I can. What I like about your guides is that they are the perfect size/length for our 52 minute classes that meet once per week. Most students can complete them in the class and then earn extra credit for solving the loose ends at home.

Next year I hope to implement a more complete Scratch program.

Thanks again for providing these to the community.

Gustave Stresen-Reuter

I posted a "finished", slightly modified, version of this task on my user page. It includes a solution to getting the other car to stop when one car wins. It also includes a score card to keep track of the number of wins of each car.

The main problem I had following these instructions was that the background gradient wasn't sufficiently different and the cars kept stopping before reaching the finish line.

I love these guides. I'm finding them to be very helpful guiding students in their first Scratch programming adventures.

Daniel Reid

Hi Gustave,

I'm glad you are finding them useful.  I typically extend the car exercise with the students once they have completed other exercises.  We come back to this one and make the changes you suggest here in your post ... I haven't taken the time to actually write the extention solution, thanks!



