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CSEdWeek 2012 | Day 3: Scratch Educator Show & Tell - Barbara Mikolajczak

For Day 3 of CSEdWeek 2012, we feature the experiences of one parent who recently created an afterschool Scratch Club at her son's elementary school.

At the final Scratch Educator Meetup of 2012, we held an informal Show & Tell session, where participants could share how they are using Scratch in their teaching practices. In the past, educators have presented students' Scratch projects, shared a personal project, or started a discussion on a related topic.

Barbara Mikolajczak, a professor at Boston College, started an afterschool Scratch Club last week at her son's elementary school in the North End in Boston, MA. She got the idea from her son, when he introduced her to Scratch. In this video, she presents two initial Scratch projects developed by her students and discusses some of the children's reactions to the new program.



The Show & Tell session is a recurring event at the ScratchEd Meetup events. You can watch the Show & Tell videos from past Meetups.