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CSEdWeek 2012 | Day 5: Scratch Educator Show & Tell - Colin Meltzer

Throughout this week of CSEdWeek 2012 celebrations, we've been sharing some of various ways educators use Scratch to support students learning about computation in open-ended ways as well as guided by specific themes. Today, we share an example of how one educator has extended Scratch to the physical world by using the Xbox Kinect with Scratch.

At the final Scratch Educator Meetup of 2012, we held an informal Show & Tell session, where participants could share how they are using Scratch in their teaching practices. In the past, educators have presented students' Scratch projects, shared a personal project, or started a discussion on a related topic.

During Show & Tell at the December 2012 meetup, Colin Meltzer described how he and Jeff Hawson collaborately built a project that connects Scratch with the XBox Kinect sensor. Colin discovered Stephen Howell's Kinect2Scratch software while attending the Scratch 2012 Conference. His students have been trying to simulate throwing a football using Scratch and the Kinect, so Colin decided to work on building the project during the meetup. Watch the video to see Colin's demonstration and find out what happened.



The Show & Tell session is a recurring session at the ScratchEd Meetup events. Check out other Show & Tell videos from past Meetups.