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Moscow School 1329 Hosts First ScratchEd Meetup

How do you get over 30 teachers to go to school on a Saturday? Scratch!!!

Could not have asked for a better experience for the first Scratch Educator Meetup in Moscow, SO FANTASTIC! A huge thanks to Школа 1329 Director Veronika Burmakina for hosting us. A special thank you to Narina Isakhanyan for not only organizing the event but also leading the team of teachers that translated the entire Creative Computing Curriculum Guide into Russian!?!

My interactive storytelling workshop would have been impossible without the services of expert translator Svetlana Busygina. And then there is young Egor who taught all the adults how to make cats and dogs speak both English and Russian in Scratch.

Please join us in September when we will begin monthly Saturday meetups with a special game-design themed afternoon.

Московская лаборатория креативного программирования