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Scratch SWOT: Barcelona Scratch Conference Opening Keynote

The first European Scratch Conference took place from July 25-27 in Barcelona, Spain. More that 250 people gathered to learn and share about Scratch during the three-day event.

At the opening keynote, Karen Brennan and Mitch Resnick presented their overall assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Scratch, otherwise known as a SWOT analysis. During the presentation, Mitch and Karen invited attendees to contribute to the discussion. Using the moleskine notebooks given out at the conference, participants wrote down their Scratch SWOT evaluations and shared their thoughts with one another.

Check out all of the participants' Scratch SWOT contributions by clicking on the "Scratch2013BCN SWOT.pdf" document attached below. Here are a few things shared to get you started thinking about your own SWOT analysis:

What do you think? Contribute your Scratch SWOT analysis in the comments below.

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