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Sharing with Scratch: Episode 5 - Publishing Scratch Work Online

What does it mean to share with Scratch?

Sharing with Scratch is a video webseries designed for Scratch Educators to encourage thought and conversation around the ways in which Scratch can promote cooperation and collaboration in the classroom. Brought to you by ScratchEd interns, Aaron Morris and Vanessa Gennarelli, each video episode will introduce a new strategy for helping you facilitate sharing in your classroom, including: brainstorming, remixing, checking in with a neighbor, publishing online, giving and receiving feedback, and group work. Join our cast of characters (both live action and animated in Scratch) as we present the benefits and tackle the challenges of Sharing with Scratch

Each Sharing with Scratch episode is meant to serve as a conversation starter. We invite you to check out an episode and then share you experiences and thoughts in the comments below. We look forward to learning from you and your experiences. Thanks for sharing!




  • Publishing can be incredibly motivating for students
  • Provides a great environment and opportunity to teach online etiquette
  • Gives your students a chance to connect and share with a global audience


  • School policy and internet restrictions
  • Setting up student accounts
  • Scratch is a large site, and it can be difficult to keep track of your students, what they're publishing, and what they're commenting on


  • Get permission and draw a line between school and home Scratch use
  • Create one account for the whole class for ease of monitoring (have them tag their projects and comments with initials)
  • Have the students create individual accounts, but all with your email address, so if there are issues, you're the one that's notified
  • House your classes' projects in galleries so you can keep track of them and so your students can access each other's work easily


Jennifer Sacks talks about how she uses the Scratch website with her 8th grade students

ScratchEd | Show & Tell: Jennifer Sacks from ScratchEd on Vimeo.


What are your experiences with having students publish their Scratch work online?

Share your thoughts below!