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Resources Rating System

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2 replies [Last post]
Karen Brennan

I received a suggestion for adding ratings to the resources. Currently, it's possible to "feature" resources (and then look at the collection of featured resources). People can also bookmark/favorite resources they like (and then sort the resources that way).

What sort of ratings system do you think would be useful and why?

Folker Linstedt

Do we need a [LOVE IT] button? 5 Stars like on YouTube is a good idea.

Hélène Martin

I would really like to see an Amazon or Yelp-like 5-star rating system.  It'd be helpful to have successful resources bubble to the top to minimize digging around as more and more get added.


I suppose favorite count could be used in a similar way but there's a little less information captured.  A resource which isn't anyone's favorite is not the same as a one-star resource.  Similarly, bookmarking could mean 'I'd like to try this later' rather than meaning anything about the resource's usefulness.