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Countdown to Scratch@MIT 2010

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16 replies [Last post]
Karen Brennan

The second Scratch conference starts in just two and a half weeks on August 11 at MIT!

Are you attending? Presenting?

Share your plans, thoughts, and hopes for the conference below...


Peter Ross



Will the keynotes be available for viewing online like last year?

Karen Brennan

Yes, the keynotes will eventually be available online at

Daniel Green

Given it's September 1st, any thoughts on timeline for that?  Thanks.

Karen Brennan
Karen Kolkka

Hi!  I am here at the event and thank you for creating this forum!  Will presenters be able to share resources?  I'd love to be able to pick up ideas from sessions I could not attend. Sometimes there are two sessions happening simultaneously (that I'd like to attend) and would be thrilled to pick up a little from the other session online. 

Karen Brennan

I'm hoping that people will post information about their sessions here on ScratchEd... :)


Evgeny Patarakin

 Yes, I'm attending. Is there some hash-tag like #ScratchMIT ?



Karen Brennan

There is now. :) Thanks for the suggestion!

Jens Mönig

I'm coming, too, and will be presenting together with Brian Harvey our Scratch extension that offers functional programming, including first-class procedures and first-class lists, called BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks, I'm also excited beyong telling and looking forward to meeting everyone!

Jane Harris

good evening ScratchEd community - i hope the summer vacation is giving everyone the chance to kick back and do something different. for those of you who are going to be attending the Scratch 2010 conference in Boston, i have included the link to a wiki which showcases the work Clive and i have been developing in our respective schools in Hong Kong. rather than trying to cram in a detailed overview of the work we have been doing, we are providing the background and evidence up-front. this is, if you like, pre-presentation background to the discussion we would like to engage in with the audience. 

please feel free to use the discussion page to begin a conversation and we look forward to meeting you all at MIT on Friday 13th August at 11am.

Karen Brennan

The final Scratch@MIT conference program is now available online at

Brian Harvey

I'm coming, and presenting twice, once with Jens Mönig about BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks,, which is an extension to Scratch for high school and undergraduate computer science education, and once (joint work with Dan Garcia, Colleen Lewis, et al., who can't attend) about "The Joy and Beauty of Computing" (, our new CS course for non-CS majors at Berkeley that uses BYOB.

Kyungwon Koh

Yes, I am attending. I am going to attend a pre-conference workshop, Introduction to Scratch: Animate Your World, and regular sessions. Actually, I am moving to Boston tomorrow as my husband starts his new job there--this year's Scratch conference is a perfect opportunity for me! I am not presenting, but hope to communicate with others and listen to inspiring talks. :-)

Anders Berggren


Yes, I am attending. Flying to Boston next friday... a small vacation first. And then The Event. Trying to blog about my trip for my Swedish friends... Is it possible to livestream from some of the events (if there is an open wifi-connection?)?

Boston, show the best of you....




Karen Brennan

Hi Anders,

Yes, there is an open wifi connection. (At least at the Media Lab!)

See you soon!

Jean-Jacques Valliet

Hi Karen


Impossible to attend this important event.

I only hope that it could be possible to read all the documents related to this event : presentations and Scratch projects file.

Scratch on

Have fun