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« How do I...?
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Jamie Phillips

As part of one of my math classes we are learning about scratch.  I was asked to write a scratch procedure that would allow me to produe a regular polygons that have a fixed perimeter of "420 sprite steps." I was wondering if anyone can help me get started on this.

Thank you in advance  for any help you can give!


Karen Brennan

In my program, I used variables. I created a variable called perimeter and set it to 420. I then used an ask block to get the number of sides from the user, so that the answer block stores the number of sides. Using that and perimeter, I can figure out the length of each side. (E.g. if the perimeter is 420, a triangle will have sides of length 420/3=140 and a square will have sides of length 420/4=105). Using the number of sides (in the answer block), I can determine the interior angle (the link from my earlier post).

Next, I draw the polygon using pen down, repeat, turn, and move blocks.

Does that make more sense?

Jamie Phillips

Thanks for all the help! After tons of hours of thinking of it I finally got it. I think I was just over thinking it!! I did it pretty much the same way!!!

Thanks again!

Karen Brennan

That's awesome! I'm happy to hear that you got it worked out! :)

Karen Brennan

If you don't mind a spoiler, I can post my project. But I'm also happy to help debug. :)

Jamie Phillips

A little. I guess I just don't understand how you can set your perimeter where it has to be 420 and will not change on scratch. If that makes any sense!

Karen Brennan

If you know the perimeter (420) and the number of sides (taken as input), then you can calculate the length of each side and the interior angle (, which is all you need to draw the polygon.

Does that help?