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Olympic inspired game design contest

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Brian Skinner

Breakout Mentors is hosting a Scratch game design contest for our students, but it is open to all who want to participate. The theme is the Olympics - simply create any Olympic inspired game and add it to our gallery. If you know any students looking for an end of summer challenge, be sure to encourage them to participate!

For more information:

Brian Skinner
Founder, Breakout Mentors
Teaching Kids Programming with a Focus on Fun
650-669-8789 |

Brian Skinner

No problem! We will be doing more game design challenges in the future - is the "News and Announcements" board the right place to share them?

Karen Brennan

Yes, that would be perfect. Thanks!

Karen Brennan

That's nicely aligned with the current Scratch Design Studio challenge...

Thanks for sharing the announcement!