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Quality of Scratch Projects

« Researching Scratch
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ivete leite de oliveira

in the ArTe ( project we have been using scratch for dissemination and research goals and we love it.

We have now started to look at scratch programs from a software engineering point of view trying to see if it is possible to define quality metrics for scratch programs.

At this stage I wonder if there exist a possibility, given a scratch program, to generate statistics about its code (like number of control statements, number of variables, number of sound pieces, etc.).

I also wonder if there are related attempts to define the quality of scratch programs. I am aware that quality is a relative attribute that must be defined according to a goal, but given 1.5 M scratch programs available it would be great if we had a way to select the best ones for teaching purposes, the best for visual aestetics, etc.



Karen Brennan

Hi Ivete,

Sorry for not getting to this sooner!

There's a group at The College of New Jersey that you might be interested in. They have a project called "Scrape", which is one way of responding to your question about analyzing the content of Scratch projects.

I think that the project, which is in private beta at the moment, will be presented at SIGCSE next week.

But they have a video on YouTube that explains the thinking behind Scrape.
