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Five Nights at Freddies

« Teaching with Scratch
1 reply [Last post]
Allison Curley
How is everyone handling the Five Nights at Freddy's Studio that students are so drawn to playing/interacting with?
Chris Shelton
I'd be very interested in hearing how anyone is dealing with this.

Five Nights at Freddy's is rated 12 on the App Store and has been re-written in Scratch. It doesn't seem to break any of the Scratch terms and conditions but it isn't really suitable for primary/elementary children. It has been remixed almost 3000 times.

I've had a query about the game from a local school and would love to know what other schools are doing.

We should be teaching children how to deal with unsuitable material when they come across it online (and this is an opportunity to start those discussions) but is anyone doing any more than this?