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games about social issues

« Teaching with Scratch
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Susan Ettenheim
Hi I'm searching for games about social issues built in Scratch. Could you please share?
Wilhelmina Peragine
Hi Susan, 

One that comes to mind is this project, wherein students in Spain and India learned about the Refugee crisis and created Scratch sprites and backdrops for others to remix as they, too, learn about the crisis.

We'd love to learn more about games for social issues, so we'll gladly tweet about this and ask the community to add links to a doc, which we can then make into a resource on ScratchEd.

In the meantime, can you share a little more about what you're looking for? Any specific social issues, for example? 

Also, though not an example game, this piece, by Ricarose references many civically-engaged projects and the ways in which young people make meaning and explore big ideas and problems through Scratch. 

Thanks for the inspiration!
Willa, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team