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Need help with an Educational Presentation on Thursday

« Teaching with Scratch
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todd williver
Hey all,

I'd like to bring Scratch Education to my national group, but I need someone that is more fluent in Scratch than I that can join me in a 30-45 minute Zoom presentation this coming Thursday. 

Is there anyone out there that would help me throw together a quick tutorial to show fellow educators what is possible with Scratch?  Does anyone have something already worked up?

Thanks in advance,  

Todd Williver - Oregon State University

Mr. Stone
What is it that you are trying to put together? What type of examples are you looking for? Age group?  Etc. 

I have given teachers in my school several project ideas with framework to code however due to classroom time constraints sometimes they have a difficult time integrating as fully as they'd like.  

Let me know the answers to the above and I will try to help with some projects I may have already created.  Welcome to Scratch!  My Scratch account is: mstone326