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Online help of Scratch 2.0 sorely missed

« Teaching with Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
Gary Grosso
I have been leading an after-school Scratch Club since early November. We have 2 or 3 experienced Scratchers; the rest are beginners.

Since Jan 2, I have been trying to embrace Scratch 3.0, but, while I like some of the changes, nothing can compensate for the loss of per-block help. Yes, I am aware of the Scratch Cards, and these are good.

But as a prorgrammer of 30+ years, it is hard to conceive of a computer language without a reference document.

How are others coping?

Alexa Kutler
Hi Gary!
Thanks for your comment. I see that you are a member of the Teaching with Scratch Facebook Group! I'd recommend you pose this question on that page, as we have migrated most of our conversations to that space. I think you'll find some helpful responses from that community.