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Questions for using Scratch in a Technology Club?

« Teaching with Scratch
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Stephen Thomas

I am starting a Technology/Programming/Maker club and want to interface Scratch with some Robotics projects the kids will make.  One thought is to have a Python interface (as mentioned in my previous question) between Scratch and the 'robots' using the remote sensor interface.  Rather than re-invent the wheel has anyone done any work in this area or are there any resources?

Also I am considering have the kids "connect" Scratch Projects together, where one project can broadcast and get/set variables in another project. The idea being kids could build a video game in Scratch, where other Scratch projects are the "remote controls"  I may do this using Koji Yokokawa's ScratchConnect (as its good for kids to learn multiple languages and ways of doing things).  Is there anything I can do that is Scratch can broadcast and read/set "sensor values" from another Scratch project? Also any ideas or references to prior work in this area would be appreciated.




Tyson Spraul

You might look at Enchanting if you are using Mindstorms robots.

Harry Roxberry

Stephen, Scratch can be used with the Lego WeDo kits. More information can be found at


Over this past summer I taught a beginning robotics class to students in the 4th - 8th grades. I used the Lego Mindstorms  Mindstorms come with the NXT programming IDE which is as easy to learn as Scratch; but is directly made for the robots. Just drag and drop the code block icons on the stage, set the few paramenters, and your robot will come to life.  What I liked best about the Mindstorms is the ease of programming while teaching the basic fundamentals.


Mesh is a network conduit for scratch based programs. It uses IP to allow scratch programs to communicate with each other. You could use this with your robotics, but the robot will need to have a scratch program, access to a network, and the ability to use the IP protocol.



Stephen Thomas

 Hi Ana,

Thanks, I will be trying it.  BYOB comes with Mesh already "activated" I may have the kids learn how to activate it in Scratch, although as I understand it turning on remote sensores performs the same function as Hosting a Mesh Network (but I may be wrong, often am, need to test this).



Ana Santos

 Hi Stephen,

Don't know if this will help at all, but you might want to check out Mesh for Scratch. It's been on my "To Do" list for ages.
