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Student Accounts

« Teaching with Scratch
1 reply [Last post]
Angie Niebrugge
I created a class account and sent my student the link to sign up. I had one student who, for whatever reason, changed his username but did so outside of the class account. Is there a way to get all of his saved/shared projects into my class or does he have to create a new account? Thanks for any help!
Alexa Kutler
Hi Angie, 
If you made an account that's not part of your class, you will not be able to add him in.
The student can can share their projects publicly and add them to the class studio, but you won't have access or any insight into his account.

I hope this helps! 

If you'd like more insight, I encourage you to post on the Teaching With Scratch Facebook Group!— Our most recent addition to the ScratchEd Online Community. 
