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Notes from Final Reflections

« Creative Computing 2012
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Linda George

 Brief notes from our "circle share."

-encourages inclusion

-links to art-we can totally use art, design, on compupters

-took us from where we were and moved us forward

-the tour of the media lab-hi-lo tech gave us a broad scope for our kids' futures

-Scratch on the Web-got to see "under the hood." Something for everyone.

MIT provides the vehicle but we make it come alive.

Learning is social-these workshops are so important for learning!


Teacher Development idea: have teachers and students work together to learn Scratch. Both come away with different concepts and knowledge and can help each other.

Social Studies idea: have Washington crossing the Delaware.

"Blended Deliveries"-tech and teaching. Adults shut down..."I don't do tech." But, Scratch is easy and fun!

Tools-harpsichord, pens....

Scratch is not a resource hog, so nice to use in labs. Since PPT is becoming passe, Scratch might be a viable presentation tool. 

Walking into a painting...

The Creative Process

Some kids are not grade-motivated. We still need to tap into their interests. Need tools and framework in which to work. Freedom without anarchy!

Advisory: put the kids and teachers in learning teams.

Intrinsic motivation.

Do activity with teachers first and then with kids if nervous!

Teachers don't know everything! Let kids know that!

Tech teacher teaches all teachers how to use Scratch, then let kids work and learn and use computers in all curricula areas!

Teach mini-lessons and as other kids see others working on Scratch they might "catch" it!

2.0 Logo maybe make one that appeals to older kids?

-You don't screw around with Coke Classic!-


  mres: might set up ways to choose a default character for classes

Looking into other image libraries, says that the characters do appeal to younger kids.

Would love posters

Would love  more time in Media Lab-insanely amazing place!

Wide variety of people here, some needed prerequisites, prep for newbies. Would love a path to suggestions as to what to learn/do first, then next...What resources do I begin with? Identify this at the beginning. Work on Scratch cards in order.

No one path for everyone but doesn't mean we shouldn't have a path for anyone!

Want next set of cards! :)

Can't export Scratch projects. Could use Jing or other similar software.

Good place to learn:

Scratched meetups-Check Scratched site for more info!