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Scratch Day 2017

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ScratchEd Team
May 2017 marks Scratch’s 10th anniversary! You can join or host a Scratch Day event to celebrate creative coding.

What is Scratch Day?
Scratch Day events bring young people together to share projects and ideas, tinker, experiment, and learn from one another. Each May, people around the world gather at hundreds of local Scratch Day events to celebrate the Scratch coding language and online community.

Why should I host an event?
This May marks Scratch’s 10th anniversary! Join the vibrant, global community to celebrate 10 years of creative coding. Consider hosting a Scratch Day in your classroom, at your school, or in your community.

Why participate in Scratch Day?
You can plan a small gathering with your learners, or invite others in your community to attend. To get started planning your Scratch Day event, visit the How to Host page.