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Collab Challenge - an educational opportunity!

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Deborah Fields

Collab Challenge

Today the Collab Challenge was announced on Scratch (see the top right corner if you're signed in, or ).

We wanted to announce it here because it's a great opportunity to give kids motivation to work together to create a project. The only real constraints are that the project has to include three particular sprites and it has to be done as a team of at least 2 people.

In addition, there are some dates to pay attention to. Wednesday, Feb. 9, is the deadline for participants to upload a project. The projects will receive constructive comments from the Scratch Design Team, and then everyone will have a chance to revise and polish their projects before the final deadline of Mar. 2. What a great opportunity to get feedback from the Design Team and to encourage kids to revise their work!

For myself, I'm leading a small, informal workshop where we'll be doing the Collab Challenge as a focus of the group. It has both new and more experienced youth, and so far the kids seem excited.

We hope many people will participate!

