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Scratch News for the New School Year - ScratchNotes Newsletter, Vol. 4, Iss. 1

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This issue of the ScratchNotes newsletter was sent out on September 28, 2012.

A seasonal newsletter for the Scratch educator community
Fall 2012
Volume 4, Issue 1

Back to School with Scratch
Planning on using Scratch this school year? Get started with the Scratch curriculum guide or explore more project ideas online. Have you created your own Scratch resources? Don't forget to share them with other educators on ScratchEd.

ScratchEd Online Learning Survey
Help us develop a new Scratch online professional development course for educators! Fill out this short survey to tell us what online learning resource would be most useful for you and your colleagues: an online Scratch course, more ScratchEd webinars, or something else?

Monthly Scratch Educator Meetups
Already know Scratch but want to learn more? Attend our monthly Scratch educator meetups, held every second Saturday of the month at MIT. Meetups are free, include lunch, and can count towards PDP hours. Join us on October 13 for the first meetup of the school year!

Sharing with Scratch Video Series
Sharing with Scratch is a new video series created by ScratchEd interns, Aaron Morris and Vanessa Gennarelli. Each video looks at the challenges and opportunities for using Scratch to encourage collaboration and cooperation in the classroom. Watch episodes 1 through 4 now!

Scratch@MIT 2012 Conference
Over 400 participants from 31 countries gathered in Cambridge, MA for the third biennial Scratch Conference, which took place July 25-28 at MIT. Review the keynote videos and presentation slides or check out the Storify post, Flickr pool, and reflections to find out what happened.

Creative Computing 2012
This summer, we hosted our fourth annual Creative Computing workshop at MIT. A cohort of 38 educators representing 17 U.S. states joined us to explore creative computing using Scratch. Check out all the Scratch projects created by participants at the event.

Super Scratch Programming Adventure!
Go on an adventure in this new book about Scratch. With colorful comics and step-by-step instructions, Super Scratch Programming Adventure! teaches kids to program fun, playable video games with Scratch. Find out more about the book, plus download a sample at