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January 2013 Meetup Discussion Notes: Tips or Talking Points for Parents

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At the January 2013 Scratch educator meetup, participants brainstormed ideas for talking to parents about Scratch.

Tips and Talking Points for Parents

  • Emphasize that we are in an era and a world where computer skills are essential to success. Scratch gives kids a programming foundation and builds interest in computer skills.
  • Find a few great/varied Scratch projects to share with parents.
  • Scratch makes Math real (ie: coordinate planes)
  • Create an online video of kids talking about what Scratch is and why they enjoy working with it, fast-paced cuts/integrated with Mitch Resnick/ScratchEd commentary - 5 minute "teaser" type of video
  • Scratch promotes explanatory discourse naturally.
  • Learning by creating is more powerful than just consuming!
  • Smile the whole time and use the words "STEM programming".
  • Don't be afraid to allow your child to join the Scratch community.
  • Interest-driven application of math, science, and imagination
  • Scratch can be liberating for learners who are non-traditonal.
  • Start by presenting compelling Scratch game for them to play, then remix!
  • Can build Scratch projects as a family
  • Tell them it was developed by MIT.
  • Benefits of Scratch: creativity, intro to programming, critical thinking, problem solving, computational thinking, etc.
  • Benefits of online account: collaboration, authentic audience, feedback
  • The Scratch website is a great place for your kids to learn through the examples of others.

Do you have any tips you'd like to share? Please post your ideas in the comments.