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The Big Book of Scratch

« Teaching with Scratch
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Ai Boon Tan

The Big Book of Scratch (BBS)


Objective: To encourage children to read, write and publish interactive Scratch books in a collaborative way.




1.     To establish a platform by which the children can hangout with one another. This may be something like a Google+ hangout or some other reliable, safe and free type of platform.

2.     To establish a group of teacher-mentors in their own specialties who will be willing to guide the children in the different aspects of making a book from scratch. : ) (no pun intended)

Note: In view of the long hours that teachers work, there will probably be three or four teacher per group of students so that at any one time, a teacher-mentor can make it to the hangout.

3.     To develop a MOOC on how to publish a book. This is not to be intensive but encouraging, explaining the process of making a book from A to Z.

This will mean that industry specialists who may not be Scratchers will have to be called in to talk to the students during the MOOC.

To encourage the children, perhaps those who participate may be given some certificate at the end of the MOOC which will show that they have learned how to make a book (in theory) or some other form of motivational reward.

4. To create a website for this project under the same principle of a group of teacher-mentors to a group of interested students.

5. To develop a sign-up page for students to sign up for the various groups, for example, writers, illustrators, proofreaders, editors, publishers, marketing,
communication, Scratch debuggers, translators, website managers and so on.

6. When the project is completed, to create an awareness website for the advertisement of this book and the books to come. This will be also run by students  with teacher-mentors. This website will provide links to Scratch, ScratchJr, ScratchEd and other interesting educational website suggested by our Scratchers.

7. When enough books have been published, a number to be agreed on by the BBS Encouragement Committee, to run an annual contest funded by Kickstarter to award the top 3 books published per year.

What do you think of this Big Idea? : )