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Hour of Code for K-1

« Teaching with Scratch
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Gerri Graca
Hi everyone,

Hope you're having a fantastic Friday!

I'll be presenting my first Hour of Code at our library next week, and had a question - for the project, I've chosen the "Make It Fly" activity.   However, our program is open to ages 5 to 10.  I'm covered as far as grades 2-8 are concerned, but I'm not sure what to do about the K-1 crowd (if any show up).  Are there any Scratch projects that are suitable for ages 5-6?  I would use Scratch Jr., but we will be using laptops, not tablets. 

I thought about the 'Animate Your Name' activity as a possibility, even though it is for grades 2-8, because it looks so simple.  But I want to make sure to choose the right activity for each age group.

Any suggestions? 

Thank you very much!