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An Algebra-Geometry Unit Plan: Scratch Programming

A Scratch unit plan for middle school math classes

The following unit plan was created by Patrick Woessner, a middle school instructional technology coordinator (and a ScratchEd member!). This six-day Scratch unit was originally intended for 7th and 8th graders in math classes. Unit details and resources are available for download from Patrick's blog ("Technology in the Middle: Learning, Teaching, and Technology"). Resources include activities, materials, handouts, homework, assessment rubrics, and more! Thank you, Patrick, for making this fantastic unit plan available to us.


Unit Plan Description from the Author

We have developed a six day Scratch unit for 7th and 8th grade math.  One class period of each six-day cycle is devoted to Scratch, effectively spreading the lessons out over a six week period.  During their course of study, students learn simple terminology, are introduced to the principles of object-oriented programming, and create original animations and games that are uploaded to our Scratch Web Gallery.