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DebugMe studio is a collection of projects for debugging challenges and/or training paths You have to investigate why the projects do not work and find how to fix the problem


  • Is it possible to start learning&teaching Scratch using projects to be debugged?
  • What about to start the first Scratch lessons debugging a project?
  • Can debugging be a way to learn & teach, in general?

Debugging a project it is a great way to learn and teach Scratch, and more in general, to deeply explore the thinking about thinking. 


Project Format

DebugMe project intends to create ad hoc projects to be debugged, for different levels of Scratch users.


All the project are located into the DebugMe Studio that serves as a pool of resources supporting learning&teaching activities. The projects are divided in three categories: Easy, Medium, Advanced and they should allow people to investigate problems related to all areas: motion, dialogues, variables, messages, sensing ...

Such pool of resources will allow educators, facilitators, trainers to create specific challenges and customized lessons / training paths
DebugMe studio is open to all who wants partecipate in creating debugging resources


When you add a project into the DebugMe studio please follow this rules

1) The file name starts with DebugMe, plus a letter: E=easy, M=medium, A=advanced, plus a progressive number (refer to the last inserted). for instance: DebugMe-E6

2) Add at least the tag DebugMe and other that identify the area

3) explain what the program should do