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Digital Schoolhouse Video Tutorials: Creating a Simple Calculator with Variables

Video tutorials and handouts for creating a calculator as a way to introduce variables and math concepts Scratch to children ages 8-14.

The Digital Schoolhouse is a primary to secondary school transition project established at Langley Grammar School in Slough, Berkshire. The project provides a colleciton of online resources and lesson plans for ICT and Computing educators working with primary and secondary school pupils (ages 8-14) in the UK. Now anyone can access the Scratch tutorial videos and worksheets for free.

Creating a Calculator in Scratch
This is a Scratch project teaching Math and Algebra. Mark has created embedded step by step video clips to the videos stored on YouTube.

Special thanks to Mark Dorling for sharing these free resources.

Mark Dorling

Hi there,

It is not a problem with your computers I'm affaid.
The videos are silent for two reasons. It is either to allow the teacher to talk them through with their students or for the students to work independently without the need for headphones.
Essentially we wanted to limit problems users could experience with using the videos. If they prove popular then we might do some voice over in the coming weeks/months…  I hope that you have found them useful! J

Many thanks, Mark

Deb Brow

Of course!!!!   Now I see.  This is quite brillant.  I am so disappointed I didn't "get it" before.  I love it.  What a great opportunity.

I can't wait to share with my students.

Thank you for sharing!!!

Mohammad Nori Motlagh

 Hi, Ms. Deb Brow mybe it's a problem on your PC sound card that you can't get sound of videos. Also about the Digital School, I's great and potentialy can be effective in process of the Learning. Tnx.

Deb Brow

These look llike amazing tutorials.  Thanks.  However, I don''t get any sound.   Even if I play on youtube.   I do get sound on other youtube videos.  Just not these.

Any ideas?   Anyone else have this issue?
