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Digital Schoolhouse Tutorial Video: Dance Moves

Learn how to animate a dancing character in Scratch using this series of video tutorials.

The Digital Schoolhouse is a primary to secondary school transition project established at Langley Grammar School in Slough, Berkshire. The project provides a colleciton of online resources and lesson plans for ICT and Computing educators working with primary and secondary school pupils (ages 8-14) in the UK. Now anyone can access the Scratch tutorial videos and worksheets for free.

Scratch: Teaching Dance
This is a series of learning videos for using dance to teach Computer Science. We have used the standard Scratch characters and costumes but we would recommend that you get your children taking pictures of themselves doing the dance moves so that they can edit and import them into Scratch. We first get the children to plan their sequences/procedures (for either a made up dance or a professional performance) using flow diagrams which they test out on one another, finally programming them in Scratch!

Special thanks to Mark Dorling for sharing these free resources.

Mark Willis

Doing "Scratchy Come Dancing" in the computer club I'm running at the moment.

As the pattern video I just get a "404 - Component not found error" here too.

This link works though