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Digital Schoolhouse Tutorial Video: Shapes and Patterns

This resource includes a tutorial video and sample code for creating various shapes and patterns in Scratch.

The Digital Schoolhouse is a primary to secondary school transition project established at Langley Grammar School in Slough, Berkshire. The project provides a colleciton of online resources and lesson plans for ICT and Computing educators working with primary and secondary school pupils (ages 8-14) in the UK. Now anyone can access the Scratch tutorial videos and worksheets for free.

Art of Shape and Patterns
This video tutorial to help you get started using the pen tool in Scratch to draw shapes and patterns. The resource also includes sample code, a list of useful Scratch blocks, and a comparison of Logo-style shapes and patterns.

Special thanks to Mark Dorling for sharing these free resources. 

Mark Willis

Sounds good. Have just written a simple pattern program myself.

However just get "404 - Component not found error", so guess its not so public yet!


This link works though