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Full Sprite Pack artwork resource - Henry VIII and his 6 wives - characters backgrounds and objects

Create a Tudor themed project with our fun backgrounds, characters and objects

Download the kit here.

  • Henry - full figure
  • Henry's body plus 8 expressions
  • 6 wives - Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Kathryn Howard, Katherine Parr.
  • Pope Clement VII
  • Sir Thomas More
  • Tudor executioner with block and heads of Anne Boleyn and Kathryn Howard.
  • Project title - The Six Wives of Henry VIII
  • Individual name scrolls plus one blank
  • Tudor garden background
  • Tudor fireplace background
Stephen Head

Thank you for a fantastic resource. Used it yesterday, with two Y4 (8-9yr olds) classes to create simple animations with information about the Tudors. Cue gales of excited laughter and some seriously good 'scratching'. They loved the facial costumes of Henry and really got into matching speech bubbles to the different faces...and then some clever spark discovered the 'severed head' costume. They all wanted to try to animate the executioner to actually cut off the head. Fantastic resource. More of the same please. Thank you again.

Stephen Head

 Will look forward to using this - Thanks