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Getting Unstuck: 21 Creative Scratch Challenges

A collection of 21 short programming prompts to help build fluency with Scratch through regular practice.

What is the Getting Unstuck Archive?

The Getting Unstuck Archive is 21 days of small programming challenges in Scratch, available at Getting Unstuck was originally designed as an email-based course, running from July 5th-25th, 2018. 

Who is it for?

We designed this learning experience for K–12 teachers who are passionate or curious about supporting creative work with Scratch (a graphical programming language and online community being used by millions of young people around the world) in the classroom. But anyone who enjoys programming puzzles and learning with others is welcome to participate. Supporting students in pursuing creative work, with all of the twists and turns that can entail, can be tricky. As a teacher, in addition to having an adventurous spirit and genuine curiosity, it can help to have greater familiarity and fluency with Scratch. Our goal for Getting Unstuck is supporting that familiarity and fluency—by inviting you into these daily programming challenges. 

What if I don't know anything about Scratch?

That's totally fine! Before diving into the daily challenges, try out this interactive online Scratch tutorial.

Can I share the strategies and activities?

Yes—we've made this for you to use and share! We are releasing this work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 4.0 license, which means that you are completely free to use, change, and share this work, as long as you provide appropriate attribution, do not use the material for commercial purposes, and give others access to any derivative works.

Ok! I'm ready to go... Where can I find the challenges?!

Find the email archive here. Each email contains an inspiring quote, as well as a mini challenge! Get started and share your journey with us using #CreativeComputing and #GettingUnstuck 
