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Levels of Scratch Curriculum Integration

Scratch Programming can be integrated in almost all the content areas. Here are some ideas and resources for doing so.
Level 1: If you are new to Scratch, you can search for curriculum related projects on Scratch and ScratchEd. There are many excellent projects that can be found related to math, science, social studies, language arts, music and visual arts. At the Level of Scratch Curriculum Integration page at the Learn from Scratch website, you will find links to to examples of projects and studios for these curriculum areas. As you use the projects with students, you can look inside the projects to see how they were programmed.

Level 2: As you become more comfortable with Scratch, you may want to remix a project or have your students remix a project. Remixing is making a project based on someone else’s shared project. Some of the reasons you might want to remix would be to correct spelling or punctuation errors, change the content or information (such as in a quiz), or to insert comments with suggestions for students on ways that they might change the project.  On the Level of Scratch Curriculum Integration page, you will find more information and a video about remixing.

Level 3: At some point, you may want to have students begin planning and creating their own projects. There are some excellent resources that can help you such as the Scratch Creative Computing Guide, Google CS First, and  You can find links to these resources at the Level of Scratch Curriculum Integration page as well as on the Resources for Integration page.