Teachers have asked what people do to evaluate Scratch projects. Natalie and I started thinking about how formative and summative assessment applies to Scratch (the sort of assessing you do in order to see what to teach students next, compared to the assessing done at the end of a project or unit). There is an interesting contrast to consider between supporting an open-ended, creative Scratch design process and addressing the pressure to meet academic standards... how can both be accomplished?
This rubric is a start at developing resources to help. Rubrics set out standards for quality work, whether developed ahead by the teacher or in collaboration with students. Then as the work gets underway, students can compare their progress to the criteria.
It would be great to hear from others about assessing Scratch work in schools. Feel free to remix and repost a new version of the rubric. This one assumes that the project includes integrating content from a subject area class (ie, making a game, slideshow, or animation to illustrate a concept) and that collaboration was encouraged.
Karen R
This is just what I needed to remix for a Video Game Design Challenge. Thanks!
Last year I introduced my students to Aesop's Fables and Scratch in a project called Animating Aesop's Fables. Evaluating their work was important so I created rubrics using Rubistar.
The award winning lesson plan which includes these rubrics can be found here:
Interesting to see how you made two different rubrics, acknowledging both the scratch and the storytelling skills.
it is a very good resource!
only one point is not clear to me: the difference between the row "Project design" and "Process" since they seem very similar, containing a number of references to "design"
thank you for sharing this resource
I'd like to see the rubric reflect mentor actions as well. Or should there be a separate rubric for that? When we work with students, it's a collaborative affair and I need to be a (more integral) part of the assessment.
That's intriguing! What aspects of your participation (as a mentor) are you most interested in assessing?
On a somewhat related note, how do self and peer evaluation fit into models of assessment and evaluation? When I've used rubrics, I frequently have them filled out from multiple perspectives (the creator, the colleagues, the facilitator).
The big idea is that we assess the PROJECT, and that includes actions of all parties involved, so, mentors too.
I like the peer assessment tool idea for what I have in mind, because in practice, my role with kids is close to a "more experienced peer" than a classroom teacher. Or maybe I should look at assessment of small group projects, casting myself as a group leader.
As for particular aspects of facilitator role:
- development methodology support, choices of methodology
- community intro: how successfully people were integrated into the existing Scratch community, what steps did the leader take to promote in-group and out-of-group communication and sharing, what personal introductions were made
- task and time management, appropriate steepness of learning curves, pacing, helping all group members work at their expertise level
- sustainability of the resulting Scratch "local cell": what was done to help people communicate with one another out of class, contribute projects done on personal time, collaborate personally
- larger meaning: how did the leader draw out personal goals of each group member, connected them to Scratch projects, and help members with similar goals (e.g. digital storytelling as a part of writing project) find one another
As you can see, I am "all over the place" with this, being at an early brainstorming stage. I loved the rubric provided and I want to apply it to my situations/style.
That is what I like about rubrics--you can adapt the indicators to fit the goals of your own project. If anyone makes their own version, please post it here!
Karen R.
Oops. I reposted with the ".doc" suffix added to the file name. I hope that works better
I had to rename the file to be able to view it.
If you're also having trouble viewing the file, try right-clicking on the file name (or ctrl-clicking on a Mac), saving it to your computer, and renaming it to add .doc to the end of the file name.