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Scratch Across Every Subject: Literacy

A collection of resources and projects for Scratch and literacy.

Scratch Across Every Subject: Literacy

Scratch is a great tool for deepening and extending reading and writing. Students can record phoneme sounds, design interactive book reports, create autobiographical music videos and so much more.!

We’ve started assembling Resources and Scratch Projects and we’d love your input! If you have lesson plans, activities, websites, videos, example projects, or something else to share—add them to the comments and we'll update this resource.


There are a number of Stories and Resources on ScratchEd that offer ideas for integrating Scratch into literacy and ELA classrooms.  Here are some of our favorites: 



Here are some of our favorite literacy-related projects on Scratch.  Send us a link to your favorite projects in the comments section and we'll add them to the list!

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Up Level Literacy Game!: An interactive game to practice editing sentences.

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Interactive Stories: A Scratch Studio of interactive story-based Scratch projects.

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Scratch: Story Mode: The first of a series of interactive Scratch stories.

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Stories and Writing: A Scratch studio of narrative-based Scratch projects.