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Scratch Educator Show & Tell Videos - January 2013 Meetup

Short videos of educators sharing a simulation project, talking about the CSTA 2013 conference, and demonstrating using Scratch with the WeDo.

During lunch at the January 2013 Scratch Educator Meetup, we hosted a session called Show & Tell. Structured as a series of quick, lighting-round presentations, educators are given the opportunity to share anything related to their work with Scratch in an informal group setting.

Show & Tell is a recurring session that takes place at the Scratch Educator Meetups, a free monthly event held every month at MIT. You can check out previous Show & Tell videos or register to attend the next meetup on the ScratchEd events page.

Derek Breen shared a simulation project he had started building in Scratch 2.0 during last month's meetup. The project challenges the user to drag body organs to their correct place.


Janet Dee introduced meetup participants to the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and encouraged people to get involved in the upcoming CSTA 2013 conference taking place July 15-16 in Quincy, MA. 


Megan Haddadi shared how she introduces using Scratch with the LEGO WeDo Robotics Kit with fourth grade students. She demonstrated how she created two interactive projects, training a pet lion and controlling a drumming monkey, using the WeDo sensors with Scratch.