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Scratch Lesson Plan

Download a full lesson plan for Scratch suitable for teaching 7-12 year old children to program Scratch in 6-8 lessons either in the classroom or in an after school computer club.

Download a full lesson plan for Scratch suitable for teaching 7-12 year old children to program Scratch in 6-8 lessons either in the classroom or in an after school computer club. School lesson plans for UK teachers also provided for you to copy. Please register if you use this lesson plan in your school or club.

We have plenty of  scratch resources for you at redware including this lesson plan and tutorial videos for the children to view as well as a range of sample projects and links to other sites. We have also done some work on connecting copies of Scratch together for multi-user Scratch and using Lego WeDo with Scratch.

 We are looking to evangelise Scratch here in the UK and abroad so please give us some encouragement and feedback so we can continue to create resources for you.

The site has been revamped (June 2010) so you can now comment on the lessons and videos and upload your examples and blog about how you are getting on. Now over 60 teachers have downloaded our lesson plans. Please log on and give some feedback as I have started work on version II of the lessons.

Jason Rukman
Hi Stamati,

Would you consider trying to put some of these lesson plans into Itch?  You can create your own integrated video lessons together with Scratch on our platform and I'd love to see more courses like this available to students!
