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Scratch Programming in Easy Steps book

Scratch Programming in Easy Steps shows you how to build great games and other programs in Scratch, including the new features of Scratch 2.0.

Scratch Programming in Easy Steps is a full-colour 216 page book that takes you from first steps in Scratch through to mastering the language's more advanced features. It includes coverage of both Scratch 1.4 (still used on the Raspberry Pi), and Scratch 2.0 (the latest version), and uses game projects that readers can easily customise.

Topics covered include cloning, using the art editor, writing on the Stage, using the pen and sprites to make games, making art and music in Scratch, using lists, string handling, maths operators, broadcasts, structuring programs, using the webcam and a Picoboard, and avoiding common programming bugs. The book uses colourful examples to demonstrate these features, but also explains them so readers are able to create their own projects after reading the book.

The book's website (see below) includes a sample chapter, the table of contents and index, as well as supporting resources for the book. You can also see screenshots of the games there, and play some of them embedded in the browser.

The PDF sample of the book has also been uploaded below.

This book is written by Sean McManus, who is also the co-author of Raspberry Pi For Dummies.

Ruth Kastenmayer
Hi Sean,
We are really enjoying using your book for our after-school Computer Club at Jackson-Via Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia (  Having well-read and annotated hard copies of the book on one's desk and in the computer lab and school library are visual reminders to login and explore. We really appreciate your sharing the files in a Scratch Studio for remixing! 
Sean McManus
Hi Ruth

That's lovely to hear, thank you! I'm delighted to hear that the book is proving useful in your school and you're finding the Scratch Studio files useful too. I sometimes see students remixing the projects on the Scratch website, so I wonder if they are from your club?

Best wishes
Sean McManus
You're welcome. I'm pleased you found it useful!
Ai Boon Tan
Thank you for sharing such an excellent resource. It is very much appreciated.