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Scratch Tutorials from EXPO for Excellence Magnet Elementary School

Fun video tutorials created by elementary school kids!

Students at EXPO Elementary School in St. Paul, MN were beta testers for Scratch. Subsequently as part of their expository writing project, they created a series of 12 short video tutorials on Scratch. The tutorials, narrated by the students themselves, cover the basics of working with Scratch:

  • making buttons
  • making backgrounds
  • open and save
  • using a starting block
  • setting a position
  • hide and show
  • repeat
  • drawing a sprite
  • changing costumes
  • broadcast
  • using "Say"
  • using "Pen."

 Also see:


Ashley Lee

Hi Karen--I was so impressed by what your students had accomplished, and excited to see how you were experimenting with interdisciplinary approaches to arts and science. Thanks for making the videos available to the public!

Karen Randall

Wow, how neat to see that other people are accessing this project!  Thank you for making my day,

Karen R.