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Scratch Video Tutorials

A collection of 5 introductory video tutorials from the MIT Scratch Team

Not sure how to get started with Scratch?

Check out these 5 short video tutorials, inspired by the Scratch cards. In the tutorials, you will learn how to:

  • change the color of your sprite
  • change your sprite’s graphic effects by moving your mouse
  • move your sprite to a drum beat
  • import a new background, animate your sprite and create a music loop
  • add your own background and create a dialog for a story

The tutorials are available at

Feedback on these tutorials and ideas about future tutorials are welcome. Please leave a comment below.


Ai Boon Tan

Hi Robyn,

I made a remix of your Whirling Butterfly video tutorial.  Please take a look at Tried to leave this message on your scratch page but it would not work.

Will  you consider creating a video tutorial that plays the tune "Twinkle twinkle little star" using the notes in the sound block?

Thanks for the use of your tutorial and have a great day!

Best regards,

Ai Boon

Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Ai,

Nice work! Keep them coming!


Ai Boon Tan

Hi Robyn,


Just to let you know that I will be using your Rainbow Fish video tutorial again to teach my class next week. I used it to create a remix. You can view it at

Many thanks. Looking forward to new video tutorials from you. : )


Best regards,

Ai Boon


Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Ai Boon,

I just check out your project - it's great!  What a wonderful way to build off the video tutorial.  The project notes are very clear and thanks for the props :)


Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm going to check it out!


Glenn Sugden

Just an FYI: Snaps Pro X from Ambrosia Software works really well too. The image-only capture utility is $30, and adding video capture is $40. Slick utility & well worth it IMO (and no, I'm not a shill for Ambrosia either ;-)

Robyn Bykofsky

Ai Boon,

Thank you for your suggestions - they sound great.

As for the software I used - Screenflow for Mac (it cost about $100US).  Thought there are some free screen capturing tools such as Jing, though I haven't used it.


Ai Boon Tan

Hi Robyn,

Thanks for the info. Will check it out. sorry for delay in reply - gone on vacation : )

Have a great day!

Best regards,

Ai Boon

Robyn Bykofsky

Thanks for the very kind feedback - if you have ideas for future Scratch video tutorials I would love to hear them!



Ai Boon Tan

Hi there. You may be pleased to know that the Rainbow Fish was very well received and the kids found it very easy to follow your video instructions.

Can you please consider making three tutorials?

1. To show how to use the pen block - just a simple one

2. My kids love the ghost effect.  - Show a nice fade-out effect - you know from sunrise to sunset or something similar..

3. A tutorial to teach us how to do simple videos like these or perhaps the software and hardware needed.

Thanks a whole bunch.  I am very grateful for your video.

Have a lovely day!



Ai Boon Tan

Dear Karen,

You know - I was trying so hard to find a good video with clear sound effects to use for my Scratch Day and God has answered my prayer. Thank you so much. I will be using your "Rainbow fish" and if time permits, one of the other video tutorials. It is very clear, short and just right.

I am very excited about Scratch Day and I will be having 14 boys and 2 girls attending my event. Parents are invited to come later for tea and view their work. My first batch of students will also be graduating on Scratch Day with a basic knowledge of Scratch. : )

Have a lovely day!

Best regards,

Ai Boon

Linda Clark

Excellent work, thanks for sharing Karen.

Karen Brennan

Thanks for the kind feedback!