Are you interested in teaching coding to Arabic speaking kids? If yes, then you should look at these cards. هل انت مهتم بتعليم الأطفال البرمجة؟ اذا يجب ان تطلع على هذه البطاقات
Are you interested in teaching coding to Arabic speaking kids? If yes, then you should look at these cards.
هل انت مهتم بتعليم الأطفال البرمجة؟ اذا يجب ان تطلع على هذه البطاقات
Are you interested in teaching coding to Arabic speaking kids? If yes, then you should look at these cards.
هل انت مهتم بتعليم الأطفال البرمجة؟ اذا يجب ان تطلع على هذه البطاقات
I've created a manual for teachers and students, which goal is to help them to take their first steps with Scratch. The book is under CC 3.0 license and it's in Polish language. és un lloc web en Català per difondre Scratch dins la comunitat educativa i entre els pares fent servir aquesta maravellosa eina que és Scratch.