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Tangible Digital Environment. Shared Geometry. Basic Shapes

Basic Shapes. The project consists of an application on geometry that can be "shared" by any person, whether or not visual impairment and / or low vision.
This is a set of exercises created with Scratch, with the help of card / RF chips built-in physical pieces - to interact by touch and sound with your computer.
Cards / chips RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), can replace the mouse and even keyboard.
Activities, distributed levels, providing knowledge shapes: triangles, polygons, the quadrilaterals, and all the basic forms that can be taught in secondary and high school.
Link web catalan version
Link web  spanish version
This project was awarded first prize in the category "Science, Technology and Values" at the last congress "Science in Action" held at CosmoCaixa Alcobendas (Madrid) in October 2012
Presented at Citilab Cornella 2013. Scratch Connecting Words.