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Tutorial on variables and the ask, say, join blocks

A tutorial on the use of variables and the ask, say and join blocks.

This tutorial is based on the CatLibs project posted by Karen Brennan as part of a resource on ScratchEd.

It provides students with another application of the blocks used in Karen's project.

Lesson Plan

1. Distribute copies of the handout created by Karen Brennan.

    (You can download the handout at the Story Time link on ScratchEd Resources.)

2. Download the CatLibs project on ScratchEd and view it with the students.

3. Ask students to study the scripts carefully.

4. Next, view the Story time 1 project. If necessary, download the project to look at the scripts.

5. Decide on a theme* with the students and ask them to create an original project of their own.

6. They can work in pairs.


* You can focus on the "place" or the "thing" or something else as your theme.  For example, in Story time 1, the theme I chose was food.