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discussion subscriptions

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Roberto Catanuto

Hi, i've just subscribed to the page "Discussion" since i'd like to be notified about every change in every topic.

Is it the right way to get it ?

If so, why does the green "subscribe" mark appear all the same in other threads ?

Just to be sure that i don't miss important notifications and updates :)


Thank you !

Karen Brennan

Hi Roberto,

Yes, that's the right way to get notifications about every change in the discussions area.

There are also "subscribe" options on every thread, if you want another, different type of subscription for particular threads. :) 

You can manage your subscriptions (types, send methods, send intervals) from your user profile page under the "Subscriptions" tab.

There's a video demoing the subscriptions in this thread.

I hope that answers your question -- please let me know if you have any other questions!
